Keep Operating Costs Down
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Keep Operating Costs Down
Proper tire selection goes a long way. Your tire life depends on it. Ask us to help determine the right tire, ply rating and tread pattern that’s engineered for your operation.
Selection and maintenance go hand in hand. Why? Because tire purchase and maintenance costs represent 15 to 20 percent of your equipment’s operation costs. So, once you have the right tires, it’s time to start thinking about the right maintenance to keep them working for you. Every season.

Some tips:
- Pressure matters. Too much pressure creates strains on stability and traction. Too little pressure causes increased flexing. Keep tires properly inflated to prevent faster wear.
- More rubber means longer wear. When it comes to heavy-duty applications, choose a tire with more rubber for better punctures prevention.
- Ask about tire liners. Case IH less-expensive, add-on tire liners can secure against flats.
- Choose the tire that’s right for you. Don’t forget to explain your applications with your local Case IH dealer. Because when it comes to driving through any situation, we have you covered. Every time.